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Venom 3 Quiz: Which Venom: The Last Dance Character Are You?


How would your friends describe you?

Straightforward and unafraid to challenge authority.

Witty and always ready to bring laughter.


What type of leisure activity do you prefer?

Participating in social events, like charity lectures.

Watching sports games or action movies.


If your room suddenly became a multidimensional space, what would you do?

Explore the space and search for clues.

Try to have fun with this new space.


If your fridge became a never-ending food source, what would you do?

Share with others and write about reducing food waste.

Host a party and treat all your friends.


If you're at a restaurant and the waiter recommends a dish you don't like, what would you do?

Stick to your choice and politely decline the recommendation.

Try something new and follow the waiter's advice.


How would you comfort a friend who just went through a breakup?

Listen to their feelings and offer rational suggestions.

Take them out to relax and distract them from their worries.


When your friend is late, what do you do?

Use the waiting time to get some personal tasks done.

Look around for something interesting to pass the time.


If a friend invites you to a themed party, what would you do?