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Do You have Premenstrual Syndrome?Premenstrual Syndrome quiz


How would you describe your mood in the days leading up to your period?

No noticeable changes in mood

Slight irritability or mood swings

Significant mood swings and emotional changes


Do you experience physical symptoms before your period?

No, I don't notice any physical changes

Mild bloating or minor discomfort

Severe bloating, cramps, or other physical symptoms


How would you rate your energy levels before your period?

Normal energy levels

Slightly lower energy than usual

Extremely fatigued and low on energy


Have you noticed any changes in your sleep patterns before your period?

No, my sleep pattern remains the same

Slight difficulties falling or staying asleep

Significant disruptions in sleep, insomnia, or excessive sleepiness


How would you describe your appetite before your period?

No significant changes in appetite

Mild increase or decrease in appetite

Intense cravings or significant changes in appetite


How would you describe your mood in the days leading up to your period?

No noticeable changes in mood

Slight irritability or mood swings

Significant mood swings and emotional changes

Extreme mood swings, feeling out of control emotionally


How would you rate your concentration and focus in the days leading up to your period?

No noticeable changes in concentration

Minor difficulties in staying focused

Significant challenges in maintaining focus and attention

Severe inability to concentrate, affecting daily tasks and responsibilities


Do you experience feelings of sadness, anxiety, or depression before your period?

No, my mood remains stable

Mild feelings of sadness, anxiety, or depression

Noticeable increase in feelings of sadness, anxiety, or depression

Overwhelming feelings of sadness, anxiety, or depression that impair daily functioning


Are you more easily irritated or prone to anger during the premenstrual phase?

No, my temper remains stable

Slight increase in irritability or anger

Significant increase in irritability or anger

Extreme irritability or anger that affects relationships and daily life