How Misandrist Are You? Quiz
How often do you cry during movies?
Do you enjoy cooking and baking?
How do you feel about traditional gender roles?
How do you feel about being called "girly" or "feminine"?
How Misandrist Are You? Quiz
How do you feel about taking care of your appearance?
Do you enjoy reading romance novels?
How do you feel about wearing dresses?
How often do you wear makeup?
How Girly Are You? Quiz
What type of shoes do you prefer?
How frequently do you engage in activities typically associated with being "girly"?
How much importance do you give to societal expectations and norms?
How do you feel about receiving flowers as a gift?
Gender Role Test: Am I Masculine or Feminine? Quiz
Do you have ladies underwear?
If there was a Free Dress Festival, which set would be your first choice?
What type of blogger do you follow the most on social media?