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Personality Quiz: What's Your Attachment Style?


How do you feel about expressing your emotions to others?

How do you feel about expressing your emotions to others?

I'm comfortable sharing my feelings with others

I prefer to keep my emotions to myself

I only share my emotions with a select few people


How do you feel when someone you care about maintains their distance?

How do you feel when someone you care about maintains their distance?

I miss them but understand the distance is temporary

I feel anxious and insecure

I don't mind the distance and appreciate the space


How do you feel about showing vulnerability to others?

How do you feel about showing vulnerability to others?

I'm comfortable being vulnerable with others

I prefer to keep my vulnerabilities to myself

I only show vulnerability to a select few people


How do you feel about giving and receiving gifts in a relationship?

How do you feel about giving and receiving gifts in a relationship?

I enjoy giving and receiving gifts as a way to show love and appreciation

I feel uncomfortable with the idea of giving and receiving gifts in a relationship

I don't see the importance of giving and receiving gifts in a relationship


How do you feel about expressing your needs and desires in a relationship?

How do you feel about expressing your needs and desires in a relationship?

I'm comfortable expressing my needs and desires to my partner

I struggle to communicate my needs and desires in a relationship

I don't feel the need to express my needs and desires in a relationship


Do you feel a strong need for independence in your relationships?

Do you feel a strong need for independence in your relationships?

No, I prefer to be emotionally and physically close to my partner.

I appreciate some independence, but still value emotional closeness.

Yes, I need a significant amount of personal space and independence.


How do you respond to rejection in a relationship?

How do you respond to rejection in a relationship?

I may feel momentarily hurt, but I remind myself that it's not personal.

I feel anxious or sad, but I can bounce back relatively quickly.

I tend to catastrophize and feel overwhelmed by feelings of rejection.


How would you describe your trust in others?

How would you describe your trust in others?

I trust others easily and am generally less suspicious.

I am cautious and take time to build trust in others.

I find it difficult to trust others and often fear betrayal.


I tend to put the needs and desires of my partner before my own:

I tend to put the needs and desires of my partner before my own:




I always tend to have long-lasting and deep connections with others:

I always tend to have long-lasting and deep connections with others: