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How Well Do You Really Understand Yourself?


When chatting with a new friend, do you feel awkward and find it hard to continue the conversation?

When chatting with a new friend, do you feel awkward and find it hard to continue the conversation?

Yes, that's me

No, I don't feel anything special

Avoid such situations as much as possible


Your memory is excellent, especially good at remembering phone numbers and people's names.

Your memory is excellent, especially good at remembering phone numbers and people's names.


I feel lost when I see numbers

Just average


How do you prefer to communicate with others?

How do you prefer to communicate with others?

Face-to-face conversations are the best

Phone calls for efficiency

Text messages, avoiding face-to-face interactions


Do you often receive feedback from others that you are "stubborn"?

Do you often receive feedback from others that you are "stubborn"?




What was the content of your most recent social media post?

What was the content of your most recent social media post?

A sharp opinionated article

A beautiful selfie

Sharing landscapes and food

A text expressing a momentary feeling


Are you often criticized for speaking too loudly?

Are you often criticized for speaking too loudly?




You've planned a trip with a close friend for a long time, but she has to cancel last minute due to work. How do you feel?

You've planned a trip with a close friend for a long time, but she has to cancel last minute due to work. How do you feel?

Unhappy, but have to accept it

Unhappy, might get upset with the friend

Stay calm, try to reschedule

Go on the trip alone


For a spontaneous trip, how do you plan it?

For a spontaneous trip, how do you plan it?

Arrange as many attractions as possible

Enjoy the moment slowly

I don't want to go anywhere, staying at home is the best


Do you often unintentionally tell corny jokes?

Do you often unintentionally tell corny jokes?




When buying things, do you tend to?

When buying things, do you tend to?

Try interesting new products

Only trust brands you've used before

When financially capable, prefer to buy the most expensive


If you could set a custom ringtone for your phone, what would it be?

If you could set a custom ringtone for your phone, what would it be?

Built-in ringtones

Favorite song

Other personalized ringtone


For you, is it sometimes difficult to communicate with others, where you say a lot but the other person doesn't understand?

For you, is it sometimes difficult to communicate with others, where you say a lot but the other person doesn't understand?