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Take the Highly Sensitive Person Test


When you are in a noisy environment, you usually:

When you are in a noisy environment, you usually:

Feel excited and full of energy

Feel somewhat uncomfortable, but can tolerate it

Feel very uncomfortable and need to leave

Feel extremely uncomfortable and can hardly bear it


Your sensitivity to others' emotional changes:

Your sensitivity to others' emotional changes:

Usually not sensitive

Sometimes feel it, but not too affected

Often feel it, easily influenced

Always feel it, and very easily influenced


When choosing a restaurant, you are more inclined to:

When choosing a restaurant, you are more inclined to:

Choose the most popular restaurant

Choose a restaurant with some popularity but not too noisy

Choose a quiet and comfortable restaurant

Choose a very quiet and private restaurant


When faced with stress, you tend to:

When faced with stress, you tend to:

Seek more social activities

Maintain normal social interactions

Reduce social activities, need some time to be alone

Avoid all social activities, completely alone


Your reaction to unexpected changes usually is :

Your reaction to unexpected changes usually is :

Excited and happy to accept

No feelings, just need some time to adapt

Feel uneasy and prefer things to stay the same

Feel very uneasy and need time to adapt


Your attention to detail:

Your attention to detail:

Usually don't pay much attention to details

Sometimes pay some attention but not too much

Often pay attention to details and care a lot

Extremely sensitive to details, often noticing things others overlook


When watching love movies or novels, you:

When watching love movies or novels, you:

Rarely moved by the plot

Sometimes moved by the plot

Often moved by the plot

Always moved by the plot


When faced with conflict, you tend to:

When faced with conflict, you tend to:

Actively resolve conflicts

Try to resolve but avoid direct confrontation

Avoid conflicts, seek peace

Avoid conflicts, prefer not to resolve


Your sensitivity to light:

Your sensitivity to light:

Less sensitive to bright light

Somewhat sensitive to bright light

Very sensitive to bright light

Extremely sensitive to any light changes


When making decisions, you tend to:

When making decisions, you tend to:

Make decisions quickly

Need some time to consider

Need a long time to consider all possible outcomes

Almost unable to make decisions, need external assistance


Your sensitivity to smells:

Your sensitivity to smells:

Less sensitive

Somewhat sensitive

Very sensitive

Extremely sensitive


When you feel tired, you tend to:

When you feel tired, you tend to:

Continue activities until excited

Reduce activities but not rest completely

Reduce activities, need some rest

Stop all activities, need a long rest


Your preference for music:

Your preference for music:

You prefer loud and fast-paced music.

You like music with a certain rhythm, but dislike it being too noisy.

You prefer soft and slow music.

You dislike almost all kinds of music and prefer complete silence.


In social activities, you usually:

In social activities, you usually:

Are the center of the activity, like to be the focus

Participate in activities but do not always seek attention

Participate in activities but prefer to observe rather than participate

Avoid being the focus of attention, prefer to be in the background


When you receive criticism, your response is:

When you receive criticism, your response is:

Objective and less affected

Affected but manageable

Very affected and requires time to recover.

Extremely affected and struggling to recover.


Your sensitivity to pain:

Your sensitivity to pain:

Less sensitive

Somewhat sensitive

Very sensitive

Extremely sensitive


When you are in a new environment, you usually:

When you are in a new environment, you usually:

Feel comfortable in no time

Need some time to adapt

Need a long time to adapt

Hardly adapt and feel very uneasy


Your sensitivity to colors:

Your sensitivity to colors:

Less sensitive

Somewhat sensitive

Very sensitive

Extremely sensitive to all color changes


When planning activities, you tend to:

When planning activities, you tend to:

Prefer spontaneous and unpredictable activities

Like having a general plan with some flexibility

Prefer detailed plans and dislike surprises

Need very detailed plans and feel unsettled by any changes